Black Panther (June 2020)
“I woke up in the arms of a panther!” Claire W told me. “But it was not hurting me” she rushed on with. “ It's paw was wider than the length of my arm and I it held me so gently. I woke up with such a lovely feeling of serenity and peace and I felt like that all day. But why wasn't I frightened? Shouldn't this huge animal have scared me ?”
“Wow, what a wonderful gift for you. ” I told her, much to her surprise.
In this dream, the gentle panther is representative of the unleashing of truth; of a victim at last being given a voice and being heard. Claire was, at that time, going through a process related to having been the victim of a very violent crime many years earlier. This was a very stressful period , made even more so by the intimidating aspects of proceeding with this including scheduling a hearing date for the tribunal. By becoming her own advocate Claire was setting the stage to complete her therapeutic journey where her voice would be heard and her pain acknowledged in a formal way. Many times, during this process she considered abandoning this task but this dream and its meaning gave her the strength to carry through. The tribunal occurred and Claire found the closure and release she was looking for.
I can not express strongly enough how important dreams can be to our emotional well being. (Yet, we so seldom remember any part of them. There are many exercises one can do to achieve a better memory of these night time missives. Please go ahead and use the internet to find the ones that suit you best.)
As a tarot reader I often use a card spread to help my clients find the inspiration behind their dream messages and to make good use of this information. I look forward to exploring your dreams with you.
Written by Psychic, Clairvoyant and Dream Interpreter Sapphire (ID 7724)
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