Connecting with your Soul
The faster the pace of life seems to be, the more important it is to make time to find a quiet place of reflection and deep inspiration within ourselves where we feel we are connecting with our soul.
Making a Connection
We may find the connection is best made through meditative practice wherein we may reach out and listen to the metaphysical music of the spheres which speaks a universal poetry to us. Others may turn to their practical creativity to light their soul fire, or perhaps pushing physical boundaries is their key to igniting a deep sense of connection with universal energy. Homebodies may find their most profound sense of connection comes when sharing quality time with friends and family.
Whether we like to find our soul through playing loud music, watching the patterns in a flowing stream, or scaling the heights of the nearest available mountain, activities that lead to connection with soul are as individual as our personalities and personal circumstances. What is soul food for one may be anathema to another. What matters most is engaging in our personal conversation with our soul in the way that feels right for us at any point in our lives.
In Tune with Your Soul
We know when we are in tune with our soul when our innate sense of being and belonging is at its strongest. We feel centred and connected to everything that falls within our conceptual universe. We draw energy and inspiration from our sense of belonging to a universe of limitless awe and wonder. Our focus is strong, our purpose clear, and providing we are following a guiding light and keeping our connections positive, we feel our spirit soar and our soul sing out as if we are invincible.
Being Focused
When we are focused and in tune with the universal wisdom released by connecting to our soul, we discover our very best ideas and our heightened power of thought seems effortless. We feel a connection to the soul child within us. As children, we once crossed the magical barrier of understanding and maturation to make sense of adult language before we’d even spoken our first word. The memory is still alive within some of us, of the moment we realised we were tapping into a world full of wisdom to which we had the key and the opportunity to make our maiden speech when we felt the timing was right. At that time, we thought we held the power over our parents as they were yet to realise we understood their words, their thoughts and their feelings. We were then, and are still, soul babies, watching, listening and waiting for our moment to return to the hubbub of everyday reality.
Author: Mandy