Dating a Pisces
More than any other sign, Pisces is known for depth in matters of the heart. Lets put it this way: We dont know the star signs of Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet, but chances are, Pisces was a factor!
Yet this kind of affection does not come without a price. Pisces, like any sign, has strengths and weaknesses when it comes to romance. Understanding these will increase your chances of a deep and fulfilling relationship.
Details and Good Manners
Your Piscean love interest may have a surplus of imagination, but ordinary questions like where to go on a date and what to order off the menu are not their specialty. Someone who knows how to make decisions is highly attractive to the Pisces mindbut beware! Pisces is not known as the most sensitive sign for nothing. If you seem too forceful in your way of doing things, the fish will swim away.
The way you interact with the world around you is of enormous interest to a Pisces. They see the world as a psychic ocean in which everything is connected. Slighting a waiter or getting hung up on a small detail will tell a Pisces that you are not a good potential mate. They want you to demonstrate sensitivity, not only to their feelings but to the feelings of others you encounter together.
Flexibility and Space
A Pisces doesnt expect you to agree with them about everything, but they do want a level of intrinsic supporteven if their train of thought seems illogical. Reason and logic are not the fishs final measuring stick. Case-in-point: the opposite of Pisces is Virgo, the Zodiacs most detailed and analytical sign. Its the nature of water to shift and change, and Pisceans seek a partner who gives them the psychic space to do this.
The Pisces heart desires total union with a lover, and there is no shortcut to this kind of connection! The fish does not want to rushed, pressured, cajoled or coerced. While they enjoy seeing you take charge of the little things, intimate contact must happen in its own time. Pisces will feel its way forward, testing the waters every step of the way. Once they decide its safe to dive in, they will do sooften with abandon. Until then, dont push the river. Let them know how interested you are in them as a person. And if you try to pay lip service, they will know! Pisces has a strong psychic radar and can easily detect when words and thoughts are not aligned.
Art and Romance
Pisceans are often called the artists of the Zodiac. They love the imaginative realms of art. The more you can connect with them on this level, the better for you as a potential mate.
Pisces also appreciates romantic, sentimental gestures that sweep them away to another place. The fish loves it when you carefully create an unforgettable moment. By going the distance in little things, you communicate your willingness to create a deep romantic unionwhich is the only kind a Piscean really wants.
What Next?
A Pisces heart is not easy to win, but well-worth the trouble. You'll feel truly special when a Pisces showers you with love and devotion, and you wont be hurting where the bedroom is concerned, either.
But just as you were challenged in winning your Pisces, there will be hurdles to clear once a relationship gets underway. Bouts of sadness or depression are not unusual, and protecting yourself while showing support can be a tricky manoeuvre. The important thing is to be emotionally available to your Pisces, even when the going gets rough. If you can do that, the good times will get even better.
Author: Barney