Dating a Taurus (May 2020)
The Traits of a Taurus in a Relationship
Are you dating a Taurus? Are you looking to take the bull by the horns? Those born under the sign of the bull are not keen to rush things, but if you succeed in winning their heart, it could be for life.
You've spotted someone special. They are polite and courteous, with a laugh that is infectious. The way they move and talk is somehow down-to-earth and sensual, yet their eyes glow with something slightly other world-like. Who is this person?
The energy you see in those eyes may very well be that of Venus, the ruling planet of Taurus. If you find yourself in romantic pursuit of someone born under this sensual sign, your chances will be greatly helped by understanding their psychic tendencies. The things we normally associate with romance food, flowers, wine, lovemaking are a Taurean’s natural territory. Being an earth sign, Taurus wants to taste the pleasures of life and fall deeply in love. The other side of the coin? Taurean’s do not take kindly to wandering eyes. For them, the strength and intensity of romantic energy is such that it requires a steady and loyal approach. If you are an especially flirty type, or just needs lots of space and freedom, Taurus is not your best bet.
The bull is generally a slow and lumbering creature but can also charge when its feels threatened. Endowed with great willpower and stubbornness, Taureans are especially selective as to who they allow near their heart. It`s best not to make any sudden moves with a Taurus, but let things play out at a leisurely pace. They love long conversations over coffee or wine, and do not like to feel rushed. If you`re checking your phone or looking around the room, forget it. A Taurus wants you to be totally present in sharing the moment with them. In this way, Taureans have a great spiritual lesson to teach us live in the moment!
Sometimes, whether in conversation or in the bedroom (if you should be so lucky), Taurus will need a little coaxing. For all their strength and sensual power, the bull can sometimes hide their true thoughts and desires, or even be downright complacent. Deep down, however, Taurus really wants their voice to be heard. If you can learn how to prompt a Taurus without invading or pushing too hard, you will be well on your way to winning their heart.
People are sometimes misled by the calm outward appearance of Taureans. While they often do exist in a tranquil state of mind, they are not immune to bouts of anger especially if their partner been making eyes at someone else. The sudden show of emotion reveals the depth and intensity of the Taurean psyche, especially where love is concerned. When your Taurus makes an unexpected show of emotions, it`s best to be grant them the freedom to do so. Even if they seem unreasonable for a moment, they will soon calm down.
Let’s say you manage to get a second or third date with a beautiful Taurus, and eventually find yourself in a steady relationship. Congratulations but don’t let up! Affection is the name of the game: Touching, hugging, massage, and kissing are as necessary to a Taurus as water and sunshine. With every gesture of tenderness and affection, you reassure your Taurus partner that the world is greatly enhanced when you experience it together.
Author: Barney
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